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Too Enough
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Alt 29.10.12, 23:50   #1 (permalink)
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SERDEM - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Kullanıcı Bilgileri
Üyelik tarihi: Mar 2008
Mesajlar: 7.687
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Ettiği Teşekkür: 47
464 Mesajına 935 Kere Teşekkür Edlidi
Standart Too Enough

Too Enough

Too and enough - Too/Enough - too enough grammar -too enough infinitive - too enough quiz - too enough nedir - too enough test konusu - Too Enough Konu Anlatımı

Too-Enough Cümlede Kullanımları

too-enough kullanımları birbirine cok karıştırılır aslında yalnızca ufak bir mantıga dayanmaktadır

too-olumsuzluk derecesinde fazla
enough-ihtiyacı karsılayacak kadar yeterli


too cold-aşırı derecede soğuk(olumsuz)
*It was too cold to go out,so we stayed at home
Hava, dışarı çıkılamayacak kadar soğuktu,bu yüzden evde kaldık

Aynı cümle şu şekilde de tercüme edilebilir
*It was too cold to go out,so we stayed at home
Hava, dışarı çıkmak için çok soğuktu bu yüzden evde kaldık

**Bu iki cümle aynı anlama gelmektedirÖnemli olan <too> kelimesinin anlama olumsuzluk kattıgını unutmamaktır

*I was too tired so i couldn't play with my friends
Çok yorgundum bu yüzden arkadaşlarımla oynayamadım(oyun oynayamayacak kadar yorgundum)

*The tea was too hot so i couldn't handle it and burnt my hand
Çay çok sıcaktı, bu yüzden tutamadım ve elimi yaktım (tutulamayacak kadar sıcaktı)

adj(sıfat) + enough + to

warm enough-yeterince sıcak
*The weather was warm enough to go to swimSo we went to a pool
Hava yüzmeye gidebilecek kadar sıcaktıBu yüzden havuza gittik(hava yeterince sıcaktı)

*The cheetah was fast enough to catch the deer
Çita, geyiği yakalayabilecek kadar hızlıydı

*His marks are high enough to attend the university
Notları üniversiteye girebilecek kadar yüksekti



Burada too nun sıfatlarla ve zarflarla kullanılışını göreceğiz. Sıfatlar ve zarflarla kullanıldığı zaman aşırılık ifade eder. Sözlük manası “çok” demektir. Fakat yine de çok manasına gelen very den oldukça farklıdır.

The tea is very hot.

The tea is too hot.

Birinci cümlede “Çay çok sıcaktır”. Fakat yine de içilebilir. İkinci cümlede “Çay çok sıcaktır”. Fakat içilemez.

Şimdi too nun kullanımını örnek cümlelerle görelim. Örneklere bakıldığı zaman daha iyi anlaşılacaktır.

The tea is too hot to drink. Çay içilemeyecek kadar sıcak.

The weather is too cold to go out. Hava dışarı çıkılamayacak kadar soğuk.

The dog was running too fast to catch. Köpek yakalanamayacak kadar hızlı koşuyordu.

The sun is shining too brightly to look at. Güneş bakılamayacak kadar parlak bir vaziyette ışık saçıyor.
He is too merciful to punish anyone. Hiç kimseyi cezalandırmayacak kadar merhametli.

İsim ya da zamir kullanarak da cümle kurmak mümkündür.

The ceiling is too high for me to touch. Tavan dokunamayacağım kadar yüksek.

A cow is too big for two people. Bir inek iki kişiye çok.
Mr Sparrow was talking too fast for the tourists to understand. Bay Sparrow turistlerin anlayamayacağı kadar hızlı konuşuyordu.
The father spoke too authoritatively for his children to oppose to his orders. Baba çocuklarının emirlerine itiraz edemeyecekleri kadar otoriter konuştu.


Sıfatlarla ve zarflarla birlikte kullanıldıkları zaman onlardan sonra gelir. Bu şekilde kullanılışıyla too dan ayrılır. Çünkü sıfatlardan ve zarflardan önce gelir. Too aşırılık ifade ederken, enough tam tersine, yeterlilik ifade eder.

He is only fifteen years old. Daha onbeş yaşında.
He isn’t old enough to marry. Evlenecek yaşta değil.

This car is big enough for a large family. Bu araba büyük bir aileye yetecek kadar büyük.

My dog can run fast enough to catch your horse. Benim köpeğim senin atını yakalayacak kadar hızlı koşabilir.

If you don’t study hard enough, you can’t pass your class. Eğer yeteri kadar çok çalışmazsan sınıfını geçemezsin.

Aynen too da olduğu gibi enough isim ve zamirlerle de kullanılabilir.

The ceiling isn’t low enough for me to touch. Tavan benim dokunabileceğim kadar alçak değil.

Why don’t you speak loudly enough for everybody to hear? Niçin herkesin duyabileceği kadar yüksek sesle konuşmuyorsun?

İsimlerle kullanıldığı zaman enough isimlerden önce kullanılır. İsimler hem sayılabilen hem de sayılamayan isimler olabilir.

My brother doesn’t have enough money to buy a modern car. Kardeşimin modern bir araba alacak kadar parası yok.

Are there enough apples for all of us at home? Evde hepimize yetecek kadar elma var mı?

too enough exercises

Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using too/enough with infinitive.
Melekler Mekanı - too/enough/so . . . as with infinitive Exercises It is very cold. We can't go out.
It is too cold for us to go out.
He is strong. He can carry it.
He is strong enough to carry it.

Rewrite numbers 3, 20, and 35 using so. . . as with infinitive.
(enough with infinitive could also be used here, while so. . . as could replace enough in numbers 9, 24, and 29. These alternatives are given in the key.)
1 You are very young. You can't have a front-door key.
2 It is very cold. We can't bathe.
3 Would you be very kind and answer this letter by return?
4 I am rather old. I can't wear that kind of hat.
5 The ladder wasn't very long. It didn't reach the window.
6 He hadn't much money. He couldn't live on it. (Omit it.)
7 He was furious. He couldn't speak.
8 The fire isn't very hot. It won't boil a kettle.
9 Tom was very foolish. He told lies to the police.
10 You are quite thin. You could slip between the bars.
11 He is very ill. He can't eat anything.
12 Our new car is very wide. It won't get through those gates.
13 The floor wasn't strong. We couldn't dance on it. (Omit it.)
14 I was terrified. I couldn't move.
15 The bull isn't big. He couldn't harm you.
16 The coffee isn't strong. It won't keep us awake.
17 The river is deep. We can't wade it. (Omit it.)
18 He is lazy. He won't get up early.
19 He won't get up early so he never catches the fast train.
20 Would you be very good and forward my letters while I am away?
21 The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it. (Omit it.)
22 He was very drunk. He couldn't answer my question.
23 It is very cold. We can't have breakfast in the garden.
24 He was extremely rash. He set off up the mountain in a thick fog.
25 We aren't very high. We can't see the summit.
26 You aren't very old. You can't understand these things.
27 He was very snobbish. He wouldn't talk to any of us.
28 The package is very thick. I can't push it through the letterbox. (Omit it.)
29 She was very mean. She never gave to charity.
30 He is very impatient. He never listens to anyone.
31 I was very tired. I couldn't walk any further.
32 It's not very dark. We can't see the stars clearly.
33 It was very hot. You could fry an egg on the pavement.
34 The oranges were very bitter. We couldn't eat them. (Omit them.)
35 Would you be very kind and turn down the radio a little?
36 He is very selfish. He wouldn't put himself out for anyone.

Too Enough Videolu Anlatımı (İngilizce)

How to Use the Words Too and Enough. Free English Lesson.

Tualimforum.com video
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