The Creator The Creator La ilaha illa Allah (There is no god but Allah) He created the plants and trees He created the birds and bees He created the oceans and seas Some of His many bounties He made us on earth trustees To obey all His decrees O Allah have mercy please, Clean away our hearts' disease Jalla Allahu fi 'oulah (Glorified is Allah in His loftiness) Ma lana rabbun siwah (We have no lord but He) La ilaha illa Allah Awwalun qablal wujud (He is the First before existence) Akhirun Ba'dal khulud (He is the Last after eternity) Mutlaqun 'anil hudud (Absolute is He above any limits) Wajibun lahus sujud (Obligatory it is to prostrate to Him) Rabbun wahibul hayah (The Lord who bestows life) Mujrir rihi wal miyah (He makes the wind and water surge) Fadhat binnada yadah (His blessings are overflowing) Tuba lilladhi hadah (Successful is he whom He guides) He gave the day and night He gave us our sense sight He created the sun so bright And the moon so pure and white He saved from our plight He led us towards the light He led us to the straight path Through his mercy and his might Lord of the earth and the sky Lord the mountains so high Lord of the day and the night Lord of joy and delight... Sami Yusuf --------------Tualimforum İmzam-------------- Cömertlik ve yardım etmede akarsu gibi ol.
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Ya olduğun gibi görün,ya göründüğün gibi ol. MEVLANA CELALEDDİN RUMİ Tuna |