The Imperative form of - gelmek - to come.... Singular Persons 1st. (lacking) 2nd. gel - come (you)..! (familiar) 3rd. gelsin - let him come..! Plural Persons 1st. (lacking) 2nd. gelin (formal) or geliniz (public and more polite) - (you) come..! 3rd. gelsinler - let them come..! The Imperative form of - gitmemek - not to go 1st. (lacking) 2nd. gitme - don't go (you)..! (familiar) 3rd. gitmesin - let him not go..! Plural Persons 1st. (lacking) 2nd. gitmeyin (formal) or gitmeyiniz (public and more polite) - (you) do not go..! 3rd. gitmesinler - let them not go..! Of course Vowel Harmony operates on the Imperative Suffixes: Some Examples showing Vowel Harmony görsün - let him see..! alın - Take (you)..! bulsunlar - let them find..! bulmasınlar - let them not find..! onu yapmayın - Don't do it (you)..! gülünüz - Laugh (you)..! |