Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives All about - this and that, these and those
These are called Demonstrative Pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives because they demonstrate or describe which item is being talked about.
bu - this (here) OR this (which was just mentioned)
bunlar - these
şu - that (nearby) OR that (which follows on)
şunlar - those (nearby)
o - that (over there, yonder)
onlar - those (over there)
Note: Turkish has two words for - that. şu - signifies something near by OR something between the speakers.
It also means - that which follows- eg. şu tavsiye - the following recommendation.
O - signifies items far away or which does not lie between the speakers.
O - is often used for descriptions of happenings in foreign countries and cities.
Note: When adding any suffixes including the plural suffix -lar buffer letter -n- is always used with the Demonstratives - thus forming -nlar as the Plural Suffix. |